
Many are intrigued by cryptic crosswords and would like to learn how to solve them. Now they can on their iPhone or iPad using Teazel's interactive Learn Cryptic Crosswords app. Solving cryptic crosswords is an enjoyable pastime that gives the brain a good work out. Learn Cryptic Crosswords covers all aspects of solving standard cryptic crosswords, including how to solve harder clues and the ongoing development of crossword skills. It ends with a selection of newspaper puzzles at different levels of difficulty and this is followed by a set of reference tools to use when solving.


Teazel are specialists in developing mobile apps for the puzzle market and identified the opportunity for an interactive app that teaches solving cryptic puzzles. After researching the learning content available in book form, they approached crossword teacher and author Henry Howarth to provide the content for the app.


  • Cryptic Crossword Tutor consists of six chapters that take you step by step through every aspect of solving cryptic clues.
  • How each type of clue works is clearly explained and supported by examples, with simple diagrams to illustrate key ideas.
  • Each topic is followed by interactive exercises and practice clues designed to reinforce the learning points
  • A proven learning approach to ensure succes
  • 5 complete puzzles from the leading Daily Newspapers including The Telegraph, The Express, The Daily Mirror and Teazel's Cryptic App. Each clue has detailed explanations of how the answers are derived.


There are currently no trailers available for Learn Cryptic Crosswords. Check back later for more or contact us for specific requests!


Selected Articles

  • People have their mobile devices to hand these days, so an app is a convenient way to learn the skill of solving cryptic clues.
    James Brook, Teazel's Technical Director,
  • We learn best by doing, and every theory topic is followed by exercises and practice clues to reinforce key learning points, with practice puzzles to integrate learning at each stage of the process. All of the practical activity in the app is interactive and this enhances the learning experience.
    Henry Howarth,
  • We have had very positive feedback from trials of Learn Cryptic Crosswords on Apple mobile devices, and we are now planning to release an Android version for phones and tablets early in 2018.
    Richard Taylor, Teazel's Marketing Director,
CZD Crosswords
The last letter in crossword design
Launch press release (PDF)
iOS launch press release

About Teazel

Teazel is run by James Brook and Richard Taylor with additional support from contract experts where required.
More information
More information on Teazel, our logo & relevant media are available here.